EnviroVideo Documentaries
#301 Three Mile Island Revisited
#302 The Push to Revive Nuclear Power
#303 Hot Dry Rock
#305 Nukes In Space
#307 Star Wars Returns
EnviroVideo Specials
#700 The Reach of Chernobyl
#404 People United for Environmental Justice: 10 Years of Triumph
#406 Dr. Vladimir Chernousenko: The Truth about Chernobyl
#202 Dr. Ernest Sternglass Live, Fallout and Breast Cancer
#206 Dr. Jay M. Gould Live
#207 Toxics and Human Health
#209 Dr. Helen Caldicott at the Ethical Culture Society
#210 Michio Kaku on Nuclear in Space
#211 Mark Crispin Miller: Fooled Again
#220 300,000 Reasons to Close Indian Point
Enviro Close-Up TV Interview Show Series Archives
(Click Title To Watch)

Enviro Close-Up TV Interview Show Series
Archives (Click to Watch)
#102 Michelle Perreault, Sierra Club & Brock Evans, Audubon Society
#103 Nitin Desai, Reed Beyers and Bob Backus
#104 Jane Perkins Rusty Russell
#105 Ecological Economics, Ruth Caplan and Owen Delong
#107 Abby Rockefeller, Bill Duesing and Seth Schulman
#110 Food Irradiation
#115 Henry Kendall Union of Concern Scientists
#116 We The People Stephen Comely
#121 Bruce Anderson Earth Day
#124 Robert Pollard
#125 Judith Johnsrud and Dr. Donnell W. Boardman
#126 George Wald
#127 Solar Electricity
#128 Radiation Guinea Pigs
#129 Business for Social Responsibility
#131 Frances Moore Lappe and Paul Martin DuBois
#132 Small Is Beautiful Lives
#135 Saving Marine Mammals, Fighting SLAPP
#136 Dr. Theo Colborn of WWF
#137 Nuclear Proliferation - Gordon Thompson and Nancy Anderson
#141 The Whistle-Blowers
#142 South Africa and Environmental Justice
#143 Richard Grossman
#146 Everything You Wanted to Know About Composting
#149 Environmental Roundtable Colin Isaacs
#156 Population Explosion
#157 Breast Cancer and the Environment
#158 The Trilateral Commission
#160 The Machine in The Garden
#161 Hydrogen: Abundant Clean Energy
#162 Enviro Careers
#167 Environmental Journalism
#169 Environmental Issues: Eastern Africa
#171 A Good Environment: The Ultimate Preventive Medicine
#172 Deep Ecology
#173 Nuclear Wasteland
#174 The Scenic Hudson
#175 Greenhouses That Grow Clean Water
#176 Biodiesel: An Alternative Fuel
#177 Environmental Values in America
#180 The War Against The Greens
#181 Renewables Are Ready
#182 The Poisoning Of Our Food
#183 Green Building
#184 Quantum Leap in Solar Electricity
#185 Mothers & Others
#186 Earth Action
#187 U.S. Sustainable Energy Policy
#189 David Bower Part 1
#190 David Bower Part 2
#193 Reactor Watchdog Project
#194 Second Wind
#195 Dr. Alvin Marks, Solar Pioneer
#198 Prairie Island Coalition

Index of Programs
The Enviro Close-Up Archives
Hundreds of programs covering:
Activism, Environmental Issues,
Globalization, Health Issues,
Military Issues, Nuclear Power and Weapons,
Renewable Energy, Social Justice, Sustainability
EnviroVideo Documentaries
#301 Three Mile Island Revisited {Click to Watch]
#302 The Push to Revive Nuclear Power
#303 Hot Dry Rock {Watch]
#305 Nukes In Space {Watch)
#307 Star Wars Returns {Watch]
Crimes Against the Future {Watch)
EnviroVideo Specials
#700 The Reach of Chernobyl
#404 People United for Environmental Justice: 10 Years of Triumph
#406 Dr. Vladimir Chernousenko: The Truth About Chernobyl
#201 Dr. Helen Caldicott in NYC 1992
#202 Dr. Ernest Sternglass Live, Fallout and Breast Cancer
#206 Dr. Jay M. Gould Live
#207 Toxics and Human Health
#209 Dr. Helen Caldicott at the Ethical Culture Society
#210 Michio Kaku on Nuclear in Space
#211 Mark Crispin Miller: Fooled Again
#220 - 300,000 Reasons to Close Indian Point
Karl Grossman's commentary on Curiosity, NASA's plutonium powered Mars Rover {Click to Watch]
Enviro Close-Up TV Interview Shows
#500 E The Environmental Magazine (Watch Excerpt)
#501 Noise In Our Skies (Watch Excerpt]
#502 Citizens Laboratory - Fred Young & Carole Allen {Click to watch)
#503 Ecology and Economics
#504 International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
#505 Government Accountability Project
#506 Ozone Action with John Passacantando {Click to watch)
#509 Save the Rain Forests
#511 Cancer-Environment Connection {Watch Excerpt]
#513 The Enemy Within {Watch Excerpt]
#514 Corporate Morality
#515 Who Owns the Sun? with John O'Conner
#516 Ross Gelbspan: The Heat Is On
#517 Depleted Uranium M J Williams Judy Scotnicki
#518 Dr. Evelyn A. Mauss: Lead Poisonig
#519 Electromagnetic Radiation with Louis Slesin
#520 Nuclear Energy & It's Alternatives - Harvey Wasserman
#521 Mitsuo Okamoto: A Voice For Peace
#525 Marshall Islands: On The Beach {Watch Excerpt]
#526 We Are All Downwinders
#528 The Nuclear Expansion in Asia and Australia {Watch Excerpt]
#529 Driving on Hydrogen
#530 Women's Action for Directions with Susam Shaer
#533 Infact with Kathryn Mulvey and Lucinda Wykle
#534 Forces of Nature with Chip Mauck
#535 Atomic Veterans with Dr. Oscar Rosen
#536 Inform Inc. with Nevin Cohen
#538 Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom
#539 The Wonders of Industrial Hemp
#540 Overfishing
#541 Michael Mariotte: The State of Nuclear Power Today (‘98)
#542 Karl Z. Morgan: Founder of Health Physics
#543 Alice Stewart: Radiation Research Pioneer
#544 Michio Kaku: The Anti-Nuclear Nuclear Physicist
#545 Sustainable Life Style Campaign
#546 Vandana Shiva: Globalization & Nature
#547 Fritjof Capra: Ecological Literacy
#548 John Stauber: PR Watch {Watch]
#549 Martin Teitel: Responsible Genetics
#550 Harvey Wasserman Challenging Nuclear Power
#552 Peggy Shepard Environmental Justice
#553 Victor W. Sidel, M.D. Physicians for Social Responsibility
#554 The Forever Fuel: Hydrogen [Watch]
#555 Media and the Environment with Mark Crispin Miller
#556 Michael Phillips: Food As Medicine {Watch Excerpt]
#557 Paul Lacinski: Serious Straw Bale House {Watch]
#558 Sustainable Energy
#559 The Women's Environment & Development Organization
#560 The ABC's of Atomic Power
#561 The New Push to Revive Nuclear Power
#563 Ashok Gupta: Green Ground Zero
#564 Health of the Environment
#565 Glen Alcalay: The Atomic Atolls
#566 Brian Howard: Message in a Bottle {Watch Excerpt]
#567 Victor Yannacone: Environmental Law Pioneer
#568 Blowing in the Offshore Wind
#569 Saving Farms
#570 The Reckoning: Global Warming
#571 Andy Kimbrell: Challenging Corporate Globalization {Watch]
#572 David Suzuki
#573 John Cavanagh: Alternatives to Economic Globalization
#574 Oren Lyons: Value Change for Survival {Watch]
#575 Socially Responsible Investing {Watch]
#576 Just Food
#577 Alex Wilson: Building Green {Watch]
#578 Michael Brune: Rainforest Action Network {Watch]
#579 Frank Locantore: The Politics of Paper {Watch]
#580 Ashley Shelby: The Ongoing Exxon Valdez Disaster {Watch]
#581 Dave Phillips: Earth Island Institute {Watch]
#582 Richard Heinberg: Oil: The Party's Over {Watch]
#583 John Mohawk: A Conversation with John Mohawk {Watch]
#584 Carolyn Raffensperger: Science and Environmental Health {Watch]
#585 Disinfopedia with John Stauber {Watch]
#586 John de Graaf: Take Back Your Time {Watch]
#587 Brian Halweil: Eat Here, Homegrown Pleasures {Watch Now]
#588 The Waterkeepers {Watch Now]
#589 Karen Joy Miller: Prevention is the Cure {watch)
#591 Louis Slesin: Cell Phones: Are We at Risk? {watch)
#592 Joel Kupferman: Environmental Law and Justice Project {watch
#593 Grub with Anna Lappe {watch)
#594 Greenpeace USA with Bill Richardson {Click to Watch)
#595 Lisa Rainwater van Suntum: Indian Point
#596 Barbara Zimmerman: Protecting the Amazon Rainforest {watch
#597 Children's Health and the Environment {Click to watch)
#598 Driving Clean and Green {Click to watch)
#599 Tom Goldtooth: The Indigenous Environmental Network
#600 Forest Ethics with Tzeporah Berman {Watch]
#601 Ocean Planet with Wallace J. Nichols {Watch]
#603 Solar Breakthroughs with Dean Hapshe {Watch]
#604 Susan Harder: Light Pollution {Watch]
#605 Nuclear Relapse with Kevin Kamps {Watch]
#606 Nuclear Power: Dirty, Dangerous & Expensive with Kevin Kamps {Watch]
#607 Dr. Alonso Aguirre: Conservation Medicine {Click to Watch]
#610 Chernobyl: A Million Casualties {Click to Watch]
#611 Lester Brown: World on the Edge {Click to Watch]
#612 Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility {Watch]
#613 Nukespeak {Click to Watch]
#614 Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting {Click to Watch]
#615 Karen Joy Miller: Prevention is the Cure Update {Click to Watch
#616 Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior {Click to Watch]
#617 David Brower {Click to Watch]
#618 Toxic Baby with Penelope Jagessar Chaffer {Click to Watch]
#619 Plastic Free with Beth Terry {Click to Watch]
#620 WeAct for Environmental Justice {Click to Watch]
#621 Wonders of Industrial Hemp {Click to Watch]
#622 HealthyPlanet with Bob DiBenedetto {Click to Watch]
#623 The Mothers Project {Click to Watch]
#624 Ansje Miller Center for Environmental Health {Click to Watch]
#625 Deepwater Wind with Clint Plummer {Click to Watch]
#626 Sandra Steingraber Part 1 {Click to Watch] (extended version)
#627 Sandra Steingraber Part 2 {Click to Watch] (extended version)
#629 Nuclear Power Today Alec Baldwin [Click to Watch]
Enviro Close-Up TV Interview Show Series Archives {Click To Watch]
Click here to read recent articles by our host Karl Grossman,
including news on Counterpunch:
Just Out - Star Wars Redux: Trump’s Space Force