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FUKUSHIMA: Lessons For The World
A 5 part EnviroVideo Special with Karl Grossman
Hudson Riverkeeper Paul Gallay moderates this recent important conference with a distinguished panel about the lessons we need to learn from the 2011 meltdown of 3 reactors at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Part 1 begins with a special message from Jean-Michel Cousteau, president of Ocean Futures Society, and then Naoto Kan, the Japanese Prime Minister at the time when the Fukushima disaster began, speaks. Click here to view Part 1 (29 min.)
Parts 2 through 5 include the other speakers: Ralph Nader, political activist, author, lecturer and attorney; Gregory Jaczko, former chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer and analyst for Fairewinds Associates; and Peter Bradford, former Commissioner of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. View Part 2 (29 min.) View Part 3 (38 min.)
Part 4 Featuring Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer and analyst for Fairewinds Associates. Indian Point sits about 35 miles from Midtown Manhattan, and Riverkeeper has been a leading advocate for its closure, based on ongoing environmental impacts to fish and radioactive leaks, vulnerability to corrosion and terrorism, inadequate fire and safety protections, an unworkable evacuation plan, and more. Some 20 million Americans live within 50 miles of Indian Point. View Part 4
Parts 5 features Peter Bradford, former Commissioner of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. View Part 5
The Reach of Chernobyl
Produced in Russia by top Russian video documentarians, The Reach of Chernobyl is a gripping account of the Chernobyl nuclear plant catastrophe. It reveals the full consequences of the disaster and provides a clear analysis of the intimate connection between civilian and military nuclear technology throughout the world.
Written by Dilbar Klado and Sergey Klado, The Reach of Chernobyl was directed by Alexander Sadkovoy. It won First Prize at the International Festival of Ecological Films in Minsk. EnviroVideo is proud to be distributing this classic, award-winning Russian video documentary. #700
Chernobyl: A Million Casualties
A million people have died so far as a result of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant accident, explains Dr. Janette Sherman, toxicologist and contributing editor of the book Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. Published by the New York Academy of Sciences, the book, authored by Dr. Alexey Yablokov, Dr. Vassily Nesterenko and Dr. Alexey Nesterenko, examined medical records now available--which expose as a lie the claim of the International Atomic Energy Commission that perhaps 4,000 people may die as a result of Chernobyl. Watch this Enviro Close-Up here! (29 min.) #610
Dr. Vladimir Chernousenko - The Truth about Chernobyl
Dr. Vladimir Chernousenko, the physicist in charge of the clean-up at the Chernobyl accident site - later expelled from Russia for revealing the true dimensions of the disaster - speaks out against nuclear power in this dramatic 45-minute interview with Karl Grossman. Chernousenko, author of Chernobyl: Insight from the Inside, says that the accident released 70% of the nuclear reactor’s core rather than the three percent figure announced to the world. He estimates that more than 15,000 people died in the former Soviet Union after the explosion and that up to a million more will perish there in the next five years from Chernobyl-caused maladies. He voices concern for people in other parts of the world who have also been affected by this first “truly international disaster.” Dr. Chernousenko was for decades a key figure in Soviet nuclear research and engineering. (Transcript available.) #406
10 Years of Triumph - Turning the Tide
During the past ten years, the Citizens Clearinghouse on Hazardous Waste has played a key role in reviving the environmental movement by focusing on the empowerment of people. In this three-part video special we hear from CCHW’s founder and executive director, Lois Gibbs, Ralph Nader, Martin Sheen, Paul Connett and members of Greenpeace and the National Toxics Campaign who discuss the struggles and achievements of the past 10 years, as well as the present and future challenges facing the grassroots environmental movement.
Includes a march on the EPA and a White House action demanding an end to the deadly toxic contamination of land, air, water and people. Produced in three 29 minute segments on one videotape, this is an ideal program to run on public access cable TV. #404
Dr. Jay M. Gould Live
Dr. Gould, co-author of Deadly Deceit: Low Level Radiation, High-Level Cover-Up and former member of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board, uses government data (obtained under the Freedom of Information Act) to show that there have been hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by the “routine” operation of nuclear plants. He also demonstrates that there are far more fatalities than those admitted resulting from Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and other accidents. Dr. Gould connects the release of radiation to the epidemic of breast cancer and breakdowns in the human immune system and related diseases, including AIDS. #206
Dr. Ernest Sternglass Live - Fallout and Breast Cancer
For many years, Dr. Sternglass has consistently lifted the curtain of secrecy on the effects of low-level radiation - demonstrating that “safe doses” determined by the nuclear establishment are not safe. In this hard-hitting 1993 lecture, he outlines his most recent findings including the role fission products in the diet play in the breast cancer epidemic. Long Island and Connecticut are emphasized. Dr. Sternglass, a professor emeritus of radiological physics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School, is the author of Secret Fallout: Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island. #202
Dr. Helen Caldicott at the Ethical Culture Society
In this compelling 1994 presentation in New York City, co-sponsored by the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Dr. Caldicott stresses how and why the nuclear industry must be stopped - immediately. #209
Toxics and Human Health
David Ozonoff, M.D., M.P.H., professor of public health at Boston University School of Public Health, and Bev Paigen, R.N., present a common sense approach to the toxicology of human organ systems affected by toxic waste. They explain how extremely small amounts of toxic chemicals affect the reproductive, immune and nervous systems and can cause cancer in humans. #207
Mark Crispin Miller: Fooled Again
In "Fooled Again, a Talk by Mark Crispin Miller," Miller makes an ironclad case for the theft of the presidential election of 2004. He presents a stunning indictment of the current, win-at-all-costs Republican Party, the condition of the American electoral system, and the blatant indifference of American citizens.
Mainstream media is deliberately avoiding the subject matter, the author and the dangerous implications of the facts presented. #211